The truth of the matter is that escape room games are not easy. After all, if they were, then there would be no fun and certainly no feeling of achievement at the end. Nevertheless, you can still get much further in the game if you avoid some very common mistakes. On the one hand, it's very useful to know some tips and tricks about escape room clues and puzzles.  But on the other hand, it's also helpful to know what you shouldn't do and what you should leave alone. Here at ExitTheRoom we have seen every type of player. We have seen those who make their escape quickly and efficiently. And we have seen those who fail to escape within the set time limit for any number of silly or foolish reasons. And that's why today, we've compiled a list of the most common fails we see in our escape rooms.

So if you're thinking about looking for an escape room for the first time or may be playing again in order to sharpen your skills, check out these simple things you may want to avoid. 

Failure To Communicate

Because most escape rooms involve teams of players, then it follows that one of the most important aspects of being able to escape the room is teamwork. A key component of a team’s functionality will be everyone's ability to communicate effectively and clearly. In fact, it's this communication that will have the most significant impact on the game's eventual outcome. We suggest that communication is used to delegate tasks such as finding clues and solving puzzles. This way, everyone knows what they need to do. You’ll find that being able to communicate effectively will also stop players from trying to solve puzzles that have already been dealt with. It's quite possible that due to miscommunication or a complete communication failure, that two players can be holding pieces of the same puzzle in their hands without realising that they need to be bought together.

Not Asking For Clues

We're not sure if it's simply a matter of pride, but you'll be surprised as to how many players simply refused to ask for help. In many cases, the time wasted by trying to solve something that’s impossibly opaque for them could have been put to better use to allow them to actually win the game. One of the most exciting aspects of all escape room games is that you never know what puzzles you are going to be coming up against. At any given moment, you could face a problem that is insurmountable for both yourself and the team. Because time is of the essence, then it’s foolish to waste it. Now, if you get stuck, then it's always better to ask for a clue. You may find that someone in the team will see this as some sort of failure. Something that will steal the thunder away from an eventual victory. So it's important that before the game commences, you all agree to be on the same page when it comes to asking the games master to help you out. This will save you a great deal of time and argument over  the merits of seeking outside help.

Puzzle Hogs

In an escape room game, being able to function well as a team is absolutely essential. Of course, the team should split up to search. In a sort of “divide and conquer” method.This will be both effective and efficient. But it only functions well if the team is in constant and open communication. This is one reason why escape rooms are so popular with businesses who are conducting a team building exercise. The game is designed for many people, not just one player. To that end, we would suggest that one of the worst types of player is the one who hogs all the puzzles to themselves. If this happens during your game, then you can say goodbye to finishing within the time limit. The puzzle hog is often the type of person who lacks confidence in others and believes they are the only one capable of leading the way to escape. Or are the type who want all the glory. So they end up not only hugging all the puzzles, but also they fail to communicate what they are discovering. In order to take the glory of solving as many puzzles for themselves. On a basic level, this is probably an activity that will cause a serious rift within the team.

Not Searching The Room Thoroughly

With an escape room game, you can't hope to find many of the puzzles by simply strolling through the room with your chin up. You need to get down on your hands and knees and look in all the places that may be unconventional for storing things, but fabulous places for hiding things. A failure to search the escape room thoroughly is a common cause for the game to be lost. You need to think of escaping the room with more serious intent. For example, you might be surprised how many people are afraid to mess up the room. Likewise, there are other players who are afraid to look in certain places because they might appear to be silly. It's super important to open every drawer, to look at every centimetre of wall in case there are codes written there, to search under tables and check behind picture frames hanging on the wall. Any sort of removable flooring material like a floor mat or a rug should be checked underneath. You may be surprised how easy some puzzles can be once you’ve found them.

Not Paying Attention To The Instructions Or The Intro Video

Before every game starts, the game master will outline a narrative, which will serve to to give a sense of order and purpose to your search. We understand that many players are very eager to get on with playing the game. And in doing so, there will always be some who will either ignore or not pay attention to the words the game master is laying out. Some players may think that they will get some sort of head start by getting into the room and searching as quickly as possible.The introduction to the game is part and parcel of the playing experience. And by missing out on it, we guarantee that you will fail. The narrative has been especially designed to give players a sense of purpose and a direction in which to follow. Failing to pay attention or understand this initial phase will prove fatal for the whole team. That's why when the game master is introducing the game, it's super important that everybody stops talking and pays attention. We have experienced teams who were so keen to get started that they failed to listen to the game master. And then, once they were in the room, they suddenly had no idea of what their ultimate goal should be. Don't be those people!